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- 124 -*As a part of this program, the delegation of Indian young people visited MUin 2009. The following article reported their visit (from Campus News No.68.June, 2009).------------------------------------------------On June 19, as a part of Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange forStudents and Youths, 24 Indian students and youths visited MU. They arelearning Japanese language in India. After arriving at MU, they had lunch(curry and rice) with MU students at the university cafeteria. After thelunch, they enjoyed a campus tour, including the university farm, andattended a Japanese language class. The main event, the group discussion,was held in the Meeting Room I of the Faculty of Education and Culture.The topic was the garbage problem in Japan. Indian youths gave suchopinions as ‘Recyclingis surely a goodmethod. But if it isso easy to recycle,people may throwaway things easily’ or‘I want to convey theJapanese technique ofgarbage disposal tothe people of India.’The discussion was so heated that it ran overtime.