

このページは a-history-of-international-exchanges00 の電子ブックに掲載されている169ページの概要です。



- 162 -(ⅲ) Miyazaki City International AssociationThe Association carries out the activities to promoto the exchanges amongMiyazaki citizens, foreign students and foreigners living in Miyazaki, bysupporting not only their living, but also their Japanese language learning.① Japanese language training classLearning everyday Japanese and some expressions often used inconversation. (Once a week. Free of charge)② Chinese (Korean, German) language classesA series of language and culture classes③ An intermediate English class and others④ Dancing by all Miyazaki citizens (‘Erekoccha Miyazaki’ Festival)Many foreign students of MU, other universities and vocational schoolsin Miyazaki participate in this event. They always enjoy dancing in groupsand the party after dancing, where they have a great time with Miyazakicitizens.(In 1993 Festival, about 40 foreign students took part in thedancing, and 60 people, including Miyazaki citizens enjoyed the party tocelebrate the completion of the event.)⑤ ‘International exchange festival’:Ex. ‘Chicken Namban Cooking Class’ (June, 2016), etc.⑥ ‘Seminar on coexistence of multiculture’:Ex. ‘Let’s do a training for disasters together pleasantly’‘A tour to discover Miyazaki again’ etc.