

このページは a-history-of-international-exchanges00 の電子ブックに掲載されている29ページの概要です。



- 22 -③ Study and training at TESC for MU office workersIn order to broaden the outlook of its office workers, in fiscal year 2006, MUstarted to send some of the office workers every year to other counries, mainlyEnglish-speaking countries. After four months English language training,three trainees every year are chosen to study and have training in such fieldsas “Organization of university,” “International exchange,” “Education system,”or “Evaluation system.” The study and training was given twice at TESC.<The First Study and Training>* March 12 to 13, 2007The following three were the trainees:・Yukiko Iwashita (Global Support Office)・Saki Ishikawa (the General Affairs Department of the Faculty of Medicine)・Miwa Miyata (the personnel section of the Planning andthe General Affairs Department)<The briefing session by the participants at MU University Library:From left: Ms.Miyata, Ms.Ishikawa, Ms.Iwashita. (April 27, 2007)><The Second Study and Training>* March 10 to 11, 2010The following three were trainees:・Makiko Hidaka (Global Support Office)・Hironori Kinoue (the personnel section of the Planning and the GeneralAffairs Department)・Emi Hayashi (the General Affairs Department of the Faculty of Medicine)