Su Myat Noe さん

“Challenge yourself. Embrace the journey” 農学工学総合研究科
数理情報工学教育コース 2年
Su Myat Noe さん


Efficient livestock management is crucial for the successful operation of cattle farms, especially in modern farming practices. With the increasing demand for efficiency, affordability, and scalability in management solutions, the need for advanced technologies such as computer vision and deep learning has become apparent. Individual identification is a key factor in predicting estrus behavior in cattle, which can help determine the optimal timing for artificial insemination. However, traditional methods such as direct observation often involve a significant amount of human workload, leading to challenges in terms of labor-intensive and time-consuming processes.

The primary objective of this study is to investigate and develop an automatic black cattle tracking system using computer vision and deep learning techniques for effective livestock management. By achieving these research objectives, this study aims to contribute to the advancement of automatic black cattle tracking with computer vision and deep learning, specifically in the context of Japanese black cattle farming, and provide insights for improving livestock management practices in the region.


Since completing my bachelor’s degree in information technology at the University of Information Technology in Yangon, Myanmar, my passion for machine learning and research was ignited. My journey towards entering a graduate school doctoral course started when I had the opportunity to attend a machine learning summer school in Jakarta, Indonesia. This experience provided me with an invaluable chance to interact with renowned researchers from around the world, which sparked my interest in pursuing further research in the field. The machine learning summer school in Jakarta was a transformative experience that exposed me to cutting-edge research and innovation in the field of machine learning. I had the opportunity to attend lectures, workshops, and discussions on various topics related to machine learning, including deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and data analytics. Interacting with fellow participants and learning from esteemed professors and researchers broadened my understanding of the field and inspired me to explore it further. During summer school, I had the privilege of meeting with renowned researchers from diverse backgrounds, who shared their expertise and insights on the latest advancements in machine learning. These interactions not only expanded my knowledge but also fueled my curiosity and eagerness to contribute to the field through my own research. Motivated by the enriching experience at the machine learning summer school, I was determined to pursue further studies in machine learning and research. I sought opportunities to continue my academic journey and was fortunate to be accepted as a research student at the University of Miyazaki under the guidance of my current professor.

As a research student, I had the opportunity to immerse myself in the academic environment and engage in cutting-edge research projects. I was exposed to advanced research methodologies, which deepened my understanding of the research process and sharpened my analytical and critical-thinking skills. My research journey has been challenging yet rewarding. My research endeavors have further fueled my passion for machine learning and kindled my ambition to pursue a Ph.D. to contribute to the advancement of the field. I am determined to make meaningful contributions to the field of machine learning through my doctoral research, by developing innovative solutions to real-world problems and pushing the boundaries of knowledge in the field.


Since the very first day of my doctoral journey at graduate school, I've been fortunate to make friends with fellow international students from various countries. Interacting with them has enriched my experience as I've learned about different cultures, perspectives, and ideas. Additionally, I was able to secure a room at the University's International House, where I thoroughly enjoy participating in dormitory activities such as gathering and cleaning with my dorm mates on a weekly basis. We engage in various activities like playing games, cooking, and sharing our cultural backgrounds, which has been a source of joy and connection, especially being away from my family. I believe that socializing and learning from my diverse group of friends are key factors in enjoying my university life.


As a privately funded student, I initially had concerns about my financial situation, including expenses for school supplies and publishing research papers. However, receiving support from the JST Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation has been a game-changer. It has not only alleviated my financial worries, but it has also motivated me to fully embrace my student journey. With the support, I now have more time to focus on my research and don't need to juggle part-time jobs. I am able to actively participate in challenging and interdisciplinary research projects, and I have had the opportunity to connect with other students from diverse study fields who are also beneficiaries of the program. It's truly inspiring to collaborate with fellow students who share excellent research ideas and are also supported by this program.


Upon completion of my studies at the esteemed University of Miyazaki, my ultimate goal is to pursue a career as a computer vision engineer, working as a researcher in the research and development companies in Japan. I am driven by a deep passion for advancing the field of computer vision and using it to address real-world challenges. I envision collaborating with fellow computer vision researchers and specialists in other relevant fields to develop innovative solutions that positively impact society. With a strong belief in my abilities, I aspire to contribute to the science, technology, and innovation sector in Japan, both as a participant and a leader, in the near future.



宮崎大学 次世代研究者支援室


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