Divisions Introduction


Our education and research efforts are for the development of civil engineering technologies and construction materials that provide superior disaster prevention and that are harmonious with the Earth. Examples of our research include the numerical analysis of civil structures (bridges, tunnels, harbors, etc.), and the development of material properties and applications for high-performance concrete suitable for our recycling society.

Member Area of Specialty Research topics
Irie Mitsuki
Hydrological Engineering
Chihiro Morita
Structural Engineering
  1. Structural analysis of steel structures
  2. Soundness evaluation of weathering steel bridge
  3. Development of maintenance technology for bridges
Chunhe LI
Associate Professor
Concrete engineering
  1. Concrete
  2. Cementitious materials
  3. Durability design
  4. Numerical analysis
  5. Crack control
  6. Quality evaluation
  7. Prestressed concrete


We aim to construct systems within our recycling society that use (and wherever possible, reuse) limited resources efficiently. To this end, our research involves methods and technologies for the conservation and restoration of aquatic environments and the efficient use of urban and industrial wastes.

Member Area of Specialty Research Topics
Yutaka DOTE
Solid waste management
  1. Phosphorus and potassium recovery from organic residues
  2. Utilization of MSWI residues
  3. Control of leachate quality
  4. Management of landfill site
Yoshihiro SUZUKI
Chemitry of water environment
  1. Monitoring of water quality in water environments
  2. Microbial source tracking in water front zones
  3. Application of foam separation
  4. Susceptibility of bacteria isolates collected from water environments in Japan to anti biotic agents
  5. Investigation of cause of long-term turbidity water in reservoirs
Associate Professor
Solid waste management and recycling
  1. Utilization residues from MSW treatment facilities
  2. Strategies of solid waste management in South East Asian countries
  3. Environmental impact assessment of recycled products
Research Associate
Stream ecology
  1. Habitat suitability modeling of aquatic animals
  2. Evaluation of anthropocentric impacts on stream organisms
  3. Hydrological modeling for water environment assessments


We aim to realize a safe and rich life that exists in harmony with the environment. To this end, our research includes methods and technologies for the development of social infrastructure resilient to disasters, and the realization of more comfortable and sustainable transportation systems.

Member Area of Specialty Research Topics
Takanori HARADA

Earthquake engineering
  1. Diagnosis of seismic performance of civil and industrial infrastructures and their mitigation method
  2. Computer lsimulation of seismic ground motion and 3D inelastic response behaviors of civil and industrial infrastructures
  3. Estimation of subsurface ground structure using seismic wave and its application to seismic hazard map
  4. Earthquake engineering issues
Takeshi KAMEI
Geotechnical engineerring
  1. Contribution to building a sustainable society by recycling of waste plaster board
  2. In-situ tests using a Flat Dilatometer (DMT) and its reliability
  3. Development of simplified deformation analysis for embankment foundation using elasto-plastic model
  4. Geotechnical engmeering for disaster mitigation and rehabilitation
Associate Professor
Infrastructure Planning
Trafic engineering
Transport planning
  1. Traffic network analysis
  2. Public transport planning
  3. Transport behavior analysis and Transport credibility analysis
Associate Professor
Geotechnical Engineering
  1. Transportation Geotechnics
  2. Geosynthetics
  3. International technical cooperation
  4. Rural infrastructure development
Koyama Atsushi
Research Associate
Geotechnical Engineering
  1. Internal erosion of embankments of reservoirs
  2. Stability of embankments of reservoirs repaired using GCL

International Education Center

Member Area of Specialty Research Topics
Keisuke MURAKAMI Professor
Costal engineering
  1. Development of management techniques for preserving coastal environment based on both field observation and numerical simulation
  2. Disaster mitigation against Tunami
  3. Storm surge and waves on coastal area
  4. Development of multi purpose artificial reef for preserving appropriate beach environment
  5. Development of mitigation system against natural disaster in local community
  6. Development of appropriate soil management system on water shed area