News & Event

2023.4 Orientation for International Students Held!

On Friday, April 7, 2023, the International Student Orientation was held in-person, as it was last November, with about 40 international students, including both April enrollees and current students, in attendance.



At this orientation, the GSO, policemen, Miyazaki City Hall staff, Capa+ staff, and Japanese language teachers explained important things for international students to know about life at the University of Miyazaki. In particular, they looked at pictures and actual garbage bags to learn how to separate garbage.


The Miyazaki Minami Police Station staff explained about Japanese traffic rules and residence cards, and the Miyazaki City Hall staff explained how to receive disaster prevention e-mails. Everyone listened intently to the explanation, as both are important for living safely and securely in Japan.


The last speaker, a student from Miyazaki University Foreign Student Association (MUFSA), introduced the activities of MUFSA and called for applications from MUFSA members. It seems that they are planning the first event on May 26th, so if you are interested, please contact MUFSA.

最後(さいご)に、宮崎大学外国人学生(みやざきだいがくがいこくじんがくせい)の会(かい)MUFSAMiyazaki University Foreign Student Association)の学生(がくせい)から、MUFSAの活動内容(かつどうないよう)の紹介(しょうかい)と、参加(さんか)メンバーの募集(ぼしゅう)がありました。5月(がつ)26日(にち)には最初(さいしょ)のイベントを企画(きかく)しているようですので、興味(きょうみ)がある人(ひと)はMUFSAにコンタクトしてみてください。


In addition, students from the manner・Kimono Circle(club activity) also introduced their activities. It seems that even if you are not good at Japanese, you can learn about how to wear kimono and Japanese manners. Students who want to know more details should check the flyer available at GSO.


After the orientation, a group photo was taken with all the participants. Everyone has a beautiful smile! Thank you very much for your participation!


If you have any questions, please come to the GSO office anytime.




GSO (Kibana Campus)

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