Dr. Uto Press Released: Research paper was selected as Front Cover of JCTC

JCTC : ACS Publications

Dr. Uto’s research group investigated the building of a computerized model and molecular dynamics simulation of cellulose synthase subunit D octamer (CeSD) from acetic acid bacteria. CeSD was complexed with four cellulose chains by model building, which revealed unexpected S-shaped pathways with bending regions. Multiscale simulations of the CeSD complex model were performed. Glucose residues located at the pathway bends exhibited reversible changes to the ring conformation into either skewed or boat forms, which might be related to the function of CeSD in regulating microfibril production. CeSD effectively promotes crystallization of cellulose chains external to cells by the synchronized regulation of cellulose translocation.

The study was published in Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (JCTC) – American Chemical Society (ACS) on January 12, 2021. Furthermore, Dr. Uto’s research paper was selected as front cover of JCTC (Vol.17, issue 1).

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