【Humanity / Sociality / Internationality】
- We will set up courses that cultivate an interdisciplinary perspective to acquire the ability to respond with a high sense of engineer ethics to the diverse social demands that change with the progress of science and technology.
- In order to promote community-oriented education, research, and community contribution, we will set up courses in the bachelor’s program to understand the community and solve problems.
【Ability to learn independently】
- We will set up courses that incorporate active learning so that we can make our own study plans and practice independent learning.
【communication ability】
- Establish courses to develop the ability to communicate in both directions using Japanese and English.
【Problem finding / solving ability】
- As a basic education curriculum for all students, we will set up problem-finding courses (specialized education introductory seminars, environment and life, and problems in modern society).
- Courses such as graduation research will be set up in order to develop the ability and attitude to integrate the acquired knowledge and skills and lead to the solution of problems and the creation of new value.
【Knowledge / Understanding / Skills】
- Introductory courses (university education introductory seminars, information / quantity skills, foreign language communication), problem-finding courses (specialized education introductory seminars, etc.) are offered as basic education curriculums for all students to acquire basic learning abilities. Environment and life, issues of modern society) and bachelor’s degree development subjects will be established.
- In order to systematically learn specialized methodologies and knowledge, we will set up basic subjects related to engineering in general and specialized subjects related to lectures, experiments and exercises related to electrical and electronic engineering.
- In order to develop human resources with comprehensive knowledge, we will set up integrated courses that allow students to study across multiple engineering fields.