what is next-generation researcher support?what is next-generation researcher support?

The JST’s “Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation”is a project for universities to strengthen financial support for outstanding aspiring doctoral students who will lead the future of science, technology, and innovation in Japan, and to promote the development of diverse career paths so that doctoral human resources can be active in a wide range of fields.

The University of Miyazaki submitted an application for the “Next-Generation Researcher Support Project Utilizing the Highly Interdisciplinary Nature of the University of Miyazaki” based on a program that makes use of a human resources cultivation system built on the systems of interdisciplinary research and strong industry-academia-government collaboration in the Doctoral Course of the Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Agriculture and Engineering, which was established in 2007. This project was selected in recognition of our past achievements and our plan to provide detailed career support.




In principle, students who plan to enroll in the Doctoral Course of the Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Agriculture and Engineering are eligible to apply.
The eligible persons differ depending on the application period, so please check the recruitment page for details.

Selection will be made based on application documents and interviews, and each selected student will receive a maximum of 2.86 million yen per year (180,000 yen per month as a research incentive grant and 400,000 to 700,000 yen per year as research funding) to provide an environment in which they can devote themselves to research.


Next-Generation Researcher Support Office


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