
Recruitment Outline

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Eligible Persons Those who entered the University's Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Agriculture and Engineering in April 2024, or those who will enter in October 2024.
Those who entered the University's Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine in April 2023 or April 2024.
Number of Positions One person
Support Period Support will be provided from October 2024, In principle, during the standard term of study.
*Subject to change due to the government's financial situation, review of the project, etc.
Application Deadline Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 5:00 p.m. *Must be on time
Interview Date Friday, September 6, 2024, 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
*Online interviews are acceptable only for out-of-prefecture or overseas residents. When applying, please mention in the body of the e-mail that you wish to have an online interview.
Notification of Results Around mid-September 2024

Requirements for Eligible Persons

Students become recipients in this project by applying for the University's next-generation researcher selection and being selected.

Students receiving support for next-generation researchers (hereinafter referred to as "next-generation researchers") may receive the grants even if they are employed or start their own business. However, if an applicant has a stable income such as a salary or executive compensation at a level sufficient to cover living expenses (based on other businesses, etc.; 2.4 million yen per year as a standard), the applicant is not eligible.

There is no problem for next-generation researchers to receive a salary or other benefits as a TA or RA, or as compensation for collaborative research, as long as it does not interfere with their work on research or career development and training content.

There is also no problem for next-generation researchers to receive scholarships from the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO), receive external research funding, or carry out part-time jobs, paid internships, or crowdfunding, as long as it does not interfere with their work on research or career development and training content.

It is also possible for next-generation researchers to receive grants intended to provide assistance with tuition (tuition waivers, scholarships to assist with tuition from their university's funds, etc.).

The period of support will be up to three years. Students who are on a leave of absence or enrolled beyond the standard term of study are not eligible to receive support. For those who have experienced life events such as childbirth or childcare, the period of support, etc., will be considered according to individual circumstances.

In the case of international students who have not been able to enter Japan, it is difficult to directly confirm and evaluate their activities as next-generation researchers, so the amount corresponding to living expenses and the research funding will be paid after arrival in Japan. In the case of leaving Japan for a temporary return to the student's home country, etc., the payment may be restricted for the same reason.

Note that those who are receiving the following types of financial support are not eligible to receive support.

  • Recipients of a research fellowship of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
  • Those who are recognized as having a stable income of more than 2.4 million yen per year by working at the University, a company, etc., or by starting a business
  • Those who are receiving a scholarship, etc., from the national government or a private organization, etc., and are not permitted to receive financial assistance other than said scholarship, etc.
  • Those who are receiving support from a Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarship, etc.
  • Other persons deemed equivalent to those listed above

Recipient Obligations and Matters to be Observed

Recipient Obligations

  1. Performance of obligations in the use of project budgets
    Recipients will fully recognize that the research incentive grant, etc., and research funding are financed by the public's precious tax payments, and that there is an obligation to execute project budgets fairly and efficiently.

    1. Comply with the requirements of the guidelines for public offering, etc., and the rules and regulations of the University of Miyazaki.
    2. With respect to research funding, based on the understanding that it is financed by the public's tax payments, do not engage in misconduct in research and development activities (fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism of papers) or improper use of research funding.
    3. Participating researchers, etc., will take the research ethics educational materials (eAPRIN (formerly known as CITI) e-learning program) designated by the JST to prevent misconduct in research and development activities and the improper use of research funding.
  2. Complete the Miyazaki Industrial Human Resources Development Education Program (a group of courses designed to raise students' awareness of career paths and provide career support).
    The Miyazaki Industrial Human Resources Development Education Programis available through an Internet delivery system (e-learning). Upon completion of the prescribed number of credits, a Miyazaki Industrial Human Resources Certificate will be awarded. In the doctoral program of the University of Miyazaki (Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences and Engineering), in order to select the method of certification between "certificate courses" and "target courses," next-generation researchers must take "Career Design for Next-Generation Researchers" (2 credits: newly established) as a certificate course from among the common courses (5 credits), and take "Internship for Next-Generation Researchers" (1 credit: newly established), "Researcher Ethics" (1 credit), and "Scientific English Technical Writing Course" (1 credit: newly established) or "English Presentation Seminar" (1 credit: newly established) as "target courses." Participation in joint research with domestic and international collaborators (companies, research institutions, etc.) is considered to be an "internship" (1 credit). Students take elective courses (4 credits) as "target courses," and select 2 credits from the major required courses and 2 credits from the major elective courses offered by the Graduate School, for a total of 4 credits.

    *Only subjects in Japanese are included.

  3. Participation in joint research projects both inside and outside the University
    Together with utilizing the research network in Japan and overseas that has been established by the interdisciplinary group of supervisors (one primary supervisor and two or more secondary supervisors) in different fields, and with the extremely strong support provided by the Next Generation Researcher Support Office, headed by the Project Director and consisting of the URA, industry-academia-government collaboration coordinators, career support staff, shared facilities staff, and student support staff, next-generation researchers will participate in one or more of the following joint research projects (can be done alone or in collaboration with a supervisor) with the aim of developing the strength to succeed even in a highly competitive environment.

    1. Application for existing University competitive funding programs such as strategic priority funds, discretionary funds of the Dean of the Graduate School, etc.
    2. Joint research with companies outside the University through participation in competitive funding from outside the University, such as Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, JST's A-Step project, the Industry-Academia-Government Joint Research and Development Support Project by the Miyazaki Industrial Support Organization, Leave a Nest research funds, etc.
    3. Participation in joint research with overseas research institutions (irrespective of whether or not there is a competitive funding program)

Matters to be Observed by Recipients

  • Devote yourself to research activities based on your research plan.
  • Make an effort to participate in programs related to enhancing research capabilities, etc., conducted by the University.
  • Make regular reports on the status of research activities to the director of the Support Office. (Report in Japanese.)
  • Be interviewed by the supervisors on a regular basis.
  • Cooperate with the post-project surveys conducted by the University for the purpose of reporting to the JST. (For 10 years after completion of the doctoral program.)
  • Other matters designated by the director of the Support Office

Points to Note

Support: Please inform the person responsible for your support (parents, etc.) that the amount equivalent to living expenses (research incentive grant) out of the amount paid to a next-generation researcher is treated as miscellaneous income under taxation law, and inquire with the person in charge at the workplace of the person responsible for your support (parents, etc.) regarding the treatment of dependents in terms of health insurance, dependent allowance, etc. Also, please contact the local tax office for information on the treatment of dependents for income tax purposes.

Social insurance, pension, etc:Since the provision of the research incentive grant, etc., from this project is intended to support free, challenging, and integrative research by next-generation researchers that is not bound by existing frameworks, it is not considered to presuppose an employment relationship between the student and the University. Therefore, social insurance, pension, etc., must be processed and managed by the next-generation researchers themselves.

Final tax return:The amount equivalent to living expenses (research incentive grant) out of the amount paid to a next-generation researcher is treated as miscellaneous income and is subject to taxation. Please file your own final income tax return.


Next-Generation Researcher Support Office


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