Novia Lusiana さん

There is no elevator to success, your struggle is way to build a better future. 農学工学総合研究科
環境共生科学教育コース 2年
Novia Lusiana さん


Generally, my research focus on the effect of vegetation to landslide susceptibility. Currently, we have attempted to evaluate the presence of fruit groves in mountainous areas to landslide susceptibility. We compared the landslide susceptibility of forests and fruit groves by considering the other landslide conditioning factors.


In 2019, I have a plan to take a doctoral course in Japan. I realized studying a doctoral course abroad is important for my future career. My interest field is disaster risk management, so I decided to take my doctoral course in Japan which has a proper technology and system in terms of disaster management.


During my life as a PhD student, I mostly spent my time in the laboratory and dormitory. Fortunately, I stay at International House which gives me an opportunity to interact with Japanese and the other international students. Moreover, I also joined the On-campus Exchange Program (OEP) as an English teacher assistant, this program was meaningful for me. Through this program, I was able to introduce my country to Japanese students. In addition, PhD life gave me many opportunities to develop my research networking through scientific meetings or collaborative activities. Corresponding to my experiences within 1 year, PhD life always gives incredible and unpredictable things which will create us being a new character with quality improvement personally and professionally as academics.


Since as a grantee of Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation, either my target or my timetable was totally different. The 6 months frequent report as a grantee mandatory can encourage me to always have significant progress in my research. For me, the financial support of this program is meaningful and a huge responsibility at the same time. The program expected outcome motivates me to always have improvement at each stage of work. In addition, collaborative research as a program requirement is the most precious opportunity for my future.


In the future, I hope I will have more opportunity to actively participate either in Japan association meetings or collaborative research with Japanese researchers particularly studies of my country’s case.



宮崎大学 次世代研究者支援室


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