English (Japanese) for international students (new students and current students

学生生活情報 / 入学料・授業料免除

私費留学生 ※英語版


Application guidelines for

Enrollment Fee Exemption and Deferment

Tuition Exemption, First semester of the year 2024

申請資格 Qualified Applicants

入学料免除 Enrollment Fee Exemption


Undergraduate Students who are recognized to have an extreme difficulty in paying the enrollment fee due to the death of the person mainly responsible for their livelihood or due to the damage by natural disasters such as storms or floods they have experienced within one year.


Postgraduates recognized as having difficulty in paying the enrollment fee for economic reasons, and also recognized as having outstanding academic capabilities.

入学料徴収猶予 Enrollment Fee Deferment


Undergraduates or postgraduates recognized as having difficulty in paying the enrollment fee before entering the university for economic reasons, and also recognized as having outstanding academic capabilities.


Graduate students: Those who have difficulty paying the entrance fee due to financial reasons and are recognized as having excellent academic performance.

申請方法 Application procedures


All applicants are required to submit the application documents by following the instructions below.

  1. 申請書類の提出 Submit the application documents

New Students(新入生)






 提出日:令和6年3月14日(木)10:00~16:00 ※12:00~13:00は除く

 提出日:令和6年3月15日(金)10:00~16:00 ※12:00~13:00は除く

 提出日:令和6年3月18日(月)10:00~16:00 ※12:00~13:00は除く

 提出日:令和6年3月19日(火)10:00~16:00 ※12:00~13:00は除く

 会 場:330コンベンションホール






  提出日時:令和6年4月1日(月)~4月12日(金) 8:30~17:00




■Step 1

Submit the "Application for Entrance Fee Waiver and Deferment/Tuition Fee Waiver for the First Semester of 2024" at the time of admission procedures.

■Step 2

Submit a set of documents related to the waiver application.

★Internal students

 Submission date: Thursday, March 14, 2024 10:00-16:00 *Except 12:00-13:00

 Submission date: Friday, March 15, 2024 10:00-16:00 *Except 12:00-13:00

 Submission date: Monday, March 18, 2024 10:00-16:00 *Except 12:00-13:00

 Submission Date: Tuesday, March 19, 2024 10:00-16:00 *Except 12:00-13:00

 Venue: 330 Convention Hall

 Please log in and apply for a reservation using the following reservation application form.


Reservation application period: February 1, 2024 (Thu.) - March 7, 2024 (Thu.)

For students who plan to enter the Miyazaki Graduate School from other universities

Please come to the designated date and time below with the required documents ready.

Submission date and time: Monday, April 1, 2024 - Friday, April 12, 2024, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

*Saturdays and Sundays are excluded.

Submission location: Student Support Division, Learning & Student Support Organization (Window 2 in 330 Memorial Exchange Hall)

*If you are unable to come on the designated submission date, please contact the Student Support Division in advance.

Current students(在学生)


Please check the documents to be submitted (see Documents to be submitted), prepare all the documents required for application (including confirmation slips A and B), and submit them on the day of the interview.



Interviews will be held on the following dates and times (time required per person: about 20 minutes). Advance reservations are required for interviews, so please apply within the reservation acceptance period.

* The reservation method will be announced separately.

Date 大学院生 Postgraduate

March 14 (Thursday)

March 15 (Friday)

March 18 (Monday)

March 19 (Tuesday)



All applicants must check the "Checklist of required documents (Form A, B)" and submit the Checklist with other required documents.

提出書類 Documents to be submitted 対象者 Corresponding Applicants
0 確認票A、B Checklist of required documents FormA,B 申請者全員 All applicants




Application form for Enrollment fee exemption

Enrollment fee deferment Tuition exemption

Documents to be submitted at the time of enrollment procedures

FormⅠ(Enrollment Fee)


Enrollment fee exemption

Enrollment fee deferment

Tuition exemption

※New Students

Tuition exemption

※Current students
2 家庭調書 Report of Family Status ①② FormⅡ 申請者全員 All applicants


Work experience in Japan


All applicants
4 所得課税証明書(Shotoku-kazei-shoumei-sho)令和5年度(2022年分)
Income Certificate (income of the year 2022) (be issued within 3 months)
* The income certificate to be submitted must clearly show the amount of salary, income other than salary by source, spousal deduction, and the number of dependents as well as the amount of tax.
You will be required to reissue the income certificate if the necessary information is not written.
Be issued by city hall where the applicant resided as of Jan.1, 2023
All applicants
Applicants who live in Japan as of Jan.1, 2023 ONLY
*Please submit this certificate for each of your family members in Japan (exclude children and student).
5 アルバイト収入状況証明・申立書
Certificate of Part-Time Job (including TA/RA) Income
Form1 申請者全員
All applicants
*Affix the Photocopy of Withholding Tax Certificate to Form 1
6 奨学金受給申立書
Statement about Granted Scholarship
Form2 申請者全員
All applicants
*Even though you are not granted any scholarship, you should submit this with circling "No".
7 住民票(Juminhyo) Residence Certificate (to be issued within 3 months) 市役所で発行
Be issued by the city hall (original)
申請者全員(家族全員分) *在留資格が記載されたもの All applicants *Please submit this certificate for all your family members in Japan. *Do not omit the description of "Status of Residence".
8 源泉徴収票(Gensen-choshuhyou) (2022年分) Withholding Tax Certificate (for income of the year 2022) 勤務先から発行
Be issued by work plac
日本で就労している家族がいる申請者 Applicants with salaried employees *If your husband/wife has/had a regular income (including part-time job), please submit this document.
9 給与月額証明書
Certificate of (expected) salary Payment
Form3 2023年1月2日以降に転職した家族がいる申請者
Applicants with family members who started working at a new place after January 2, 2022


Statement for no occupation/income
Form7 無職の家族がいる申請者(18歳未満、就学者を除く)
Applicants with family members who have no occupation/income
excluding children (under 18) and students.


Request for Certification of Student Status and Tuition Exemption State
Form8 家族に就学者がいる申請者
Applicants with students
*If your household includes a high school student or university (college) student, please submit this document


Statement of the financial situation
Form13 申請者全員
All applicants

**Other documents may be required to be submitted.







・Submitting an application does not guarantee that you will receive an exemption.

・The Enrollment fee exemption budget is limited and, to give as many qualified students the financial support that they need, more applications will be granted for half exemption instead of the full amount.

・The Tuition Exemption Budget is limited and to give as many qualified students the financial support that they need, more applications will be granted for 200,000 yen or 100,000 yen exemptions instead of the full amount.

・When false information is found in any documents or fabricated documents are submitted, the approval of the exemption will be revoked and all fees must be paid to the University immediately.

・The result of Exemption and Deferment will be posted on the notice board/ website in the late of July

・The academic year is divided into two semesters. The application for tuition exemption must be submitted in each semester. The application screening will be conducted for the spring semester (1st semester) and the autumn semester (2nd semester) separately. Even if the student's financial situation is the same, the result for tuition exemption screening in the autumn semester (2nd semester) will not necessarily be the same as the result of the spring semester (1st semester).

***問い合わせ先 Inquiries***

学び・学生支援機構 学生支援課 経済支援係

Financial Support Section, Student Support Division, Learning and Student Support Organization

TEL: 0985-58-7976