Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Agriculture and Engineering

Application Guidelines

Admission Policy(Interdisciplinary Graduate School Doctoral Course of Agriculture and Engineering, University of Miyazaki)

I. Ideal candidates

The Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Agriculture and Engineering, University of Miyazaki is currently accepting applications from highly motivated candidates from throughout Japan and overseas who have a strong desire to further their existing knowledge of both agriculture and engineering in an interdisciplinary setting. Ideal candidates should be seeking to advance their skills and knowledge while utilizing their real-world experience.
In conjunction with the research areas pursued by our department, we particularly welcome candidates with research interests in the following fields:

  1. Development of a sustainable society with a low environmental impact.
  2. Production and utilization of biomass.
  3. Build a sustainable society through the design and implementation of appropriate conservation policies and development of suitable community infrastructure.
  4. Development of safe and secure systems and promote sustainable biological production methods.
  5. Development of new and improved ways of utilizing microorganisms, plants, and animals.
  6. Conducting post-genome research in the areas of food production, environment, and health.
  7. Development of a sustainable aquaculture methods and effective management of marine resources.
  8. Improved design of energy conversion systems through the development of new materials.
  9. Development of materials and structural designs for application in manufacturing and engineering industries.
  10. Development of new bioinformatics, network, hardware and software technologies.

II. Basic selection policy

Successful candidates will be selected on merit based on the evaluation procedures outlined below. Candidates' academic records, research history, intended period of study, and other factors will also be taken into consideration.
Evaluation Procedures

  1. Entrance examinations to be held several times within the same academic year.
  2. Examination format to be determined based on the candidate's status (General Selection, Selection for Working Members of Society or Overseas Students) .
  3. Application materials will be reviewed and used in combination with examination results to comprehensively evaluate applicants' abilities, aptitude, and motivation.